Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lesson #71: Pavlova with Cranberry Orange Compote

I love the convenience of make ahead desserts around the holidays. I'm usually in charge of making both the savory and sweet components of a meal, so I need all the time I can get.

The AMAZING thing about this meringue and compote is that they can be made several days in advance. You store each part separately and top with meringue with compote right before serving. In fact, I made both components to this dessert three days before we enjoyed it! The meringue is crunchy on the outside and tastes like marshmallows on the inside. The compote is just tart enough to offset the sweetness of the meringue. DELICIOUS!

LESSON LEARNED: Make ahead desserts are a time saver!

Recipe for Pavlova with Cranberry Orange Compote

1 comment:

  1. Love Pavlovas - I had totally forgotten about those. Perfect make-ahead options - those are beautiful! Thanks for the reminder and the recipe!


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