Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lesson #12: Cinnamon Sugar "Toast" Cupcakes

When I was growing up, one of my favorite ways to eat toast was buttering it and then sprinkling a mixture of cinnamon and sugar on top. In fact, I still prefer to eat toast this way! So, when I came across a recipe for a cinnamon sugar cupcake, I had to try it.

This is a buttery yellow cake and the frosting really packs a cinnamon sugar punch. The consistency of the frosting is a mixture of a traditional powdered sugar/butter frosting and a whipped cream frosting, so it's sweet but also light. I think I might have let my butter get too soft when preparing the frosting, but it works in this cupcake because you can really taste a butter flavor. I garnished the cupcakes with a little caramel sauce, but pieces of cinnamon toast crunch cereal would also be great and give the cupcake a little bit of texture. This cupcake really does taste like eating a piece of cinnamon sugar toast!

LESSON LEARNED: This breakfast flavored cupcake is just as good as the original inspiration!

Recipe for Cinnamon Sugar "Toast" Cupcakes

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